We have been very blessed this year. From our First Anniversary to the birth of our first son; from 6 foot high piles of snow, to warm summer days, we have much to be grateful for!
Toby switched jobs at the beginning of the year to a call center called Progrexion. After one semester he switched to two better jobs, one at Melealuca, a health product center, and at Broulim's, the local grocery store, working in the Meat Dept. During his first semester, he took a geology class which prompted him to change his major from construction management to Geology. Fall semester he took a few geology classes, which he loved so much! He was even able to take a couple field trips, one to the Grand Canyon, and the other to up and around Notch Peak, Utah. Toby turned 24 in November and he had a double birthday/fondue party with his friend, Seth, who turned 25.
Samm only went to the first semester of the year. She took general classes, as she still hasn't been able to get into her photography classes (but she is taking them Winter semester '09)! In March, Sam mturned 20!! She had a very awesome Princess themed birthday, as she got a princess coloring book, new crayons, and the movie Enchanted!! She took the second semester of the year off to take care of little Ben.
BENJAMIN AMMON DOSSETT was born July 10, 2008. He was 8 lbs 5 oz and had a full head of hair. he was a week early, which he momma was grateful for! He had picture perfect health, except a few days home from the hospital, it turns out that he had high bilirueben levels, which causes jaundice. We spent almost 2 days in the hospital where Ben was confined to a little biliblanket, which gives off ultraviolet light to help bfreak up the bilirueben in his blood. Ben's best friend was born just a week after him, on July 17; Little Nathan James Johnson, the son of our best friends!
Ben rolled over for the first time at 4 weeks!! He was even able to hold his head up at almost 2 weeks. he could roll over both ways by 3 months and loves to play with his favorite toy monkey, Marvin. He can sit up, but we find that he just folds himself over to grab his toes. He piggies are his favorite thing to put in his mouth. Ben also enjoys his rice cereal, but has recently graduated to oatmeal, and just in the past week, to Oatmeal with Banana's. He loves it so much that he gets upset when he sees the empty bowl.
Ben absolutely loves his momms and daddy. he gets so excited when we go to rescue him from his crib, he just gets thi huge smile on his face and reaches out for momma and daddy! Some days we swear he says "ma". What and adorable baby boy!!
Thsi year has been full of blessings! Our little family is growing in size, love and spirituality. We love Rexburg (not the winters), and love going to school and working towards graduation and getting jobs. We love our family and want to thanks them for all their love and support for the first year and a half of marriage. We look forward to many more wonderful years together.
Toby, Samantha, and Benjamin Dossett
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Baby's First Christmas
Christmas 2008 was Ben's first Christmas. Like most first things, he was grumpy and whiny so was put down for a nap before the presents were done being unwrapped. However, it was a nice Christmas for momma and daddy! Ben received a couple of adorable outfits form Grandma and Grandpa Call. Plus a couple of story books, a book to play with in the tub, 3 CD pack of toddler music, some black church shoes, and a little black tuxedo. From his momma and daddy he got linky toys, ring toys, little baby crocs, a pack of nuk-nuks, and a bunch of little story books.
The flight to VA was very eventful, unfortunately. It started off nice, the ride to the airport he slept, and before we took off, he was a little fussy, but that was because he stayed up til 11 then we got him up at 4 to leave for the airport. He would have slept on the plane but
we put him to sleep in line to board the plane and he woke up because we sat on the tarmac for 1/2 an hour. I had to nurse him as we were taking off. He did alright in the air, but woke up and wanted to be held and walked around. We went and visited his Uncle Dave who was a few rows up. In the Atlanta Airport, Ben wanted to nap so bad, but we wouldn't let him so that he would sleep on the plane. He kept falling alseep in daddy's arms, and on his shoulder, but we kept keeping him up. He fell asleep on the plane but started being really really fussy when the plane was descending. The air pressure was horribly bad, even momma and daddy's ears hurt bad, we couldn't even imagine what Ben was feeling.. we tried water to swallow but he doesn't really like that. He did much better after we'd landed! On the plane home, we're bringing apple juice to drink on take-off and landings!
Tomorrow, we get to go up to Fredericksburg and see all of daddy's family!! Ben finally gets to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Dossett, Uncle Tommy, Aunt Cecily, Uncle Jason, Aunt Beth, Uncle Willy and Aunt Hannah, and his only cousin, Summer. And of coure, Wally and his other "Aunt" Hannah! See you soon!!!
The flight to VA was very eventful, unfortunately. It started off nice, the ride to the airport he slept, and before we took off, he was a little fussy, but that was because he stayed up til 11 then we got him up at 4 to leave for the airport. He would have slept on the plane but

Tomorrow, we get to go up to Fredericksburg and see all of daddy's family!! Ben finally gets to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Dossett, Uncle Tommy, Aunt Cecily, Uncle Jason, Aunt Beth, Uncle Willy and Aunt Hannah, and his only cousin, Summer. And of coure, Wally and his other "Aunt" Hannah! See you soon!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
StudMuffin seeks Cupcake
My little 5 month old Ben absolutely adores girls.. already. At church, during sacrament meeting, we catch him looking and staring at other baby girls!! Once, we even found him watch
ing other married women walk down the hall.. and it was kinda obvious where his gaze was... if you catch my drift!! Just this past sunday, he was looking over my shoulder and smiling at the women behind me, then burying his face in my shoulder as if to act shy.. which, let me tell you, he is not!!
A few weeks ago, I took Ben to a Christmas Party at our best friend's ward, many of the people who we know from our previous ward. Anyways, I was talking with a good friend, Natalie, who's daughter, Zukie is about 3 months older than Ben. They were pretty interested in each other (Zukie and Ben) and holding hands and trying to eat eat other.. when all of a sudden, they both leaned forward and KISSED!! You know that young babies usually "kiss" with their mouths open because they really wanna eat, kinda thing, but these two adorable babies both has closed mouth and it looked like a really kiss!! Natalie and I were both amazed, and it was such a cute little scene!!

A few weeks ago, I took Ben to a Christmas Party at our best friend's ward, many of the people who we know from our previous ward. Anyways, I was talking with a good friend, Natalie, who's daughter, Zukie is about 3 months older than Ben. They were pretty interested in each other (Zukie and Ben) and holding hands and trying to eat eat other.. when all of a sudden, they both leaned forward and KISSED!! You know that young babies usually "kiss" with their mouths open because they really wanna eat, kinda thing, but these two adorable babies both has closed mouth and it looked like a really kiss!! Natalie and I were both amazed, and it was such a cute little scene!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Its been a little while since Ben's blog has been updated, but there are reasons. Unfortunately Ben's momma's computer died along with most of her picture of her little Benny boy!! Its been pretty devastating for her because taking pictures are pretty much her life! Hopefully she'll get the data extracted off of her hard drive soon!! So we'll try and make due with the picture that are still on her camera !
Ben is such a good baby!! He sleep through the night, waking only for food, but mostly sleeps pretty good. He's been giving his momma about 6 hours of sleep for the first time that he goes down for the night, so that nice, even though she doesn't go to sleep when he does. Momma started him on a nightly routine to help him fall asleep better.
Most of the time, this routine works really well and Ben puts himself to sleep, almost by the the the mobile is done playing its song. We always watch carefully at night for when ben gets his sleepy eyes which tells us its time for bed... his eyes get a little red around the corners and he crys alot and rubs his face. Tonight, it worked really well. Daddy was at work so Momma did it all by herself. Ben was really tired because he only took a 2 hour nap and a 1 hour nap, so by 6 he ws really tried and went to sleep around 620. I put him down (awake) and didn't hear another sound from him!! I have the best baby!! (Most of the time)
Ben is a very accomplished baby. He can already roll over both ways which he was doing by 3 months, he smiles and giggles and laughs. His greatest accomplishment (according to momma) is that he reaches is arms our for his momma. (I absolutely feel so much love from Ben when he tells me that the wants me.. so much like a mom!!!) He is also a very happy baby, even when you wake him up.. nicely anyways. Momma can go into his room, whisper his name to wake him up and when he opens his eyes and sees her, he get this HUGE grin on his face and wriggle out of his swaddle and reaches out, then he snuggles into my shoulder! (I love that!!!)
Ben is very sad, that on Friday, our whole family helped our best friends move. We helped them pack, clean and load up the car for the drive to Illinois. We will miss Nate, Kate and Seth until they come back in April!! However, we are also excited that our friends Marcus and Haley are coming back!!
Lastly, classes and finals for daddy are over and now all that is left before vacation is to clean the house, pack and earn a little bit more money.
Ben is such a good baby!! He sleep through the night, waking only for food, but mostly sleeps pretty good. He's been giving his momma about 6 hours of sleep for the first time that he goes down for the night, so that nice, even though she doesn't go to sleep when he does. Momma started him on a nightly routine to help him fall asleep better.
Most of the time, this routine works really well and Ben puts himself to sleep, almost by the the the mobile is done playing its song. We always watch carefully at night for when ben gets his sleepy eyes which tells us its time for bed... his eyes get a little red around the corners and he crys alot and rubs his face. Tonight, it worked really well. Daddy was at work so Momma did it all by herself. Ben was really tired because he only took a 2 hour nap and a 1 hour nap, so by 6 he ws really tried and went to sleep around 620. I put him down (awake) and didn't hear another sound from him!! I have the best baby!! (Most of the time)
Ben is a very accomplished baby. He can already roll over both ways which he was doing by 3 months, he smiles and giggles and laughs. His greatest accomplishment (according to momma) is that he reaches is arms our for his momma. (I absolutely feel so much love from Ben when he tells me that the wants me.. so much like a mom!!!) He is also a very happy baby, even when you wake him up.. nicely anyways. Momma can go into his room, whisper his name to wake him up and when he opens his eyes and sees her, he get this HUGE grin on his face and wriggle out of his swaddle and reaches out, then he snuggles into my shoulder! (I love that!!!)
Ben is very sad, that on Friday, our whole family helped our best friends move. We helped them pack, clean and load up the car for the drive to Illinois. We will miss Nate, Kate and Seth until they come back in April!! However, we are also excited that our friends Marcus and Haley are coming back!!
Lastly, classes and finals for daddy are over and now all that is left before vacation is to clean the house, pack and earn a little bit more money.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Movie Star
Here are a few videos that just make me laugh, probably because Ben is laughing and he has the cutest giggle!!
Yummy yummy, in Ben's tummy
This week and last week, Ben got a taste of his first solid food, although it really wasn't all that solid. He started eating rice cereal!! He love his Gerber Organic brown rice cereal!! He gets mad when its gone and he has to be topped off with milk!! lol At first, he wasn't too sure about it, but now he is so excited when he get cereal. Here is a video of him eating his favorite food!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ben has been a very fussy, grumpy baby. I do believe its a combination of things: teething, not getting enough sleep, gas, and being bored. I try my best to keep him happy, but his toys only seem to interest him for a little while, then he gets bored and wants to be held. Which i would love to do all day, but in reality, I just can't. Not only does my back ache after hours but I have other things to do, like his laundry, and keeping the floor clean so he can play! I talked with my mom today and we think that he's not getting a long enough nap to warrant his being happy. He's so playful and happy in the morning after a full night of sleep, but he only takes about a hour long nap and thats not enough for him. Today, he woke up after an hour and started screaming. After screaming for a whole hour, I finally got him back to sleep and he slept for another two hours. YIPPEE!! I also got a nap in, which was nice because my head really hurt from all the screaming. But when he woke up, he was playful and happy, so that jut adds to my mom's theory!
I took him window shopping today and found some toys that are interesting to him!! I'm so excited for Christmas!! I have already bought a gift for him!! I was a DI and I bought a bunch of books for really cheap. He won't get them until Christmas, so don't tell him, ok? So we're getting all set for Christmas!!
The latest thing that makes him giggle is laying him on his back and taking his feet and blowing on them, then putting them up to his face and chanting "feet on your face" while tapping his feet on his cheeks, then "toes on your nose" when you tickle his nose with is.. toes.. lol!! So he really enjoys that!! He can't quite keep his feet up to his face yet, but he likes to chew on his toes when I put his feet up to his mouth!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
He Remembers....
Yesterday I was 'nuggling Ben on the couch when I noticed that he was craning his head around to look at someth
ing in the corner of the Living Room. At first I thought he was trying to watch TV so I turned it off yet he still seemed to stare at the corner. So I took him over there, thinking he wanted to look at the light from the lamp. But as we got closer to the corner, I noticed that it wasn't the lamp he was looking at, at all. We have a small 5x7 frame of Jesus by the lamp and Ben was mesmerized by it. He quietly stared at the picture for almost 2 whole minutes (those who have kids know how rare that attention span is, especially for a 4 month old). I kept asking him if he knew who he was looking at and he would just look at me then return his attention to the picture. After the 2 minutes, he tried to reach out and grab the picture. It melted my heart that he would find the small picture of Jesus and just recognize it. It isn't really in a conspicuous spot that you would think a baby would look at, yet he saw and recognized
his big brother.
How special babies are!! What a witness to me, of the premortal life and how precious and wonderful gifts that we are given!! Isn't it so amazing how thin the veil still is for infants?!?!? I am so grateful for the unique soul that was given to us!! Ben must be a very valiant servant of the Lord to be able to recognize our Savior!

How special babies are!! What a witness to me, of the premortal life and how precious and wonderful gifts that we are given!! Isn't it so amazing how thin the veil still is for infants?!?!? I am so grateful for the unique soul that was given to us!! Ben must be a very valiant servant of the Lord to be able to recognize our Savior!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Happy Belated Halloween
Since I haven't been very good about posting, I thought I would update you on Ben's first Halloween!! A few days before Halloween, we took Ben trick-or-treating at Toby's work. He was dressed in his Lion costume (from G'ma and G'pa Call). Everyone love it so much!! He looked so adorable.
Doesn't he looks so cute with his Daddy?
Later that night, we took Ben to Toby's Geology Halloween party. We decided to dress him up as a little sea fossil.. i think it was called a crinoide, so
mething like that.
<---Here is a picture of that costume
On Halloween Day Ben was dressed up at a Pumpkin (from G'ma and G'pa Dossett). He wore this warm comfy outfit all day and loved it!! We went to visit his daddy up on campus and everyone was saying how adorable he was!! He even helped me answer the door for trick-or-treaters!! Ben absolutely loved Halloween and I loved all the candy that he got me for being so cute!!

For our Ward Halloween party, Ben was a Lion again because we loved his little Tail. Our best friends, the Johnson's came to have fun with us!! Nate was a little bear. Aren't they so cute together? (This picture is from Kate, so thank her for it!!)

Later that night, we took Ben to Toby's Geology Halloween party. We decided to dress him up as a little sea fossil.. i think it was called a crinoide, so

<---Here is a picture of that costume

On Halloween Day Ben was dressed up at a Pumpkin (from G'ma and G'pa Dossett). He wore this warm comfy outfit all day and loved it!! We went to visit his daddy up on campus and everyone was saying how adorable he was!! He even helped me answer the door for trick-or-treaters!! Ben absolutely loved Halloween and I loved all the candy that he got me for being so cute!!
For our Ward Halloween party, Ben was a Lion again because we loved his little Tail. Our best friends, the Johnson's came to have fun with us!! Nate was a little bear. Aren't they so cute together? (This picture is from Kate, so thank her for it!!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cutest Little "Twins"

This is Ben and his best friend Nate. They are only 1 week apart in age. They are so cute together!!
Today was Ben's 4 month check-up. He is 15 lbs. 10 oz. and 26 in. long. He is healthy and growing like crazy. Just one more lbs. and he doubles his birth weight.
Ben is getting very excited for Christmas vacation because then he gets to meet all of his extended family!! He get to meet Grandma and Grandpa Dossett, Uncle Bryan, Uncle Tommy, Uncle Jason, Uncle Willy, Aunt Cecily, Aunt Beth, and Aunt Hannah!! And of course his cousin, Summer!!Oh, and his other "Aunt" Hannah!! He's very sad that he can't meet his Aunt Rachel!! But hopefully he'll be able to see her soon!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Yesterday was a fun day. We were up late hanging out with friends and didn't get to bed until 2. Ben went to bed around 11 but was not happy that he was missing out on all the fun. L
uckily he slept until 8, with no feedings through the night!! I got up and fed him then put him back down, not really thinking that he's go back to sleep, but he did!! We didn't get up again until about 1020 and church was at 11!! I went in to check on Ben and he was just happily chewing on his fists. This Sunday he wore an adorable outfit from his Grandma Call. Everyone just loved it!! He loved it too, so much that he pooped all over it!! Trust that kid to poop all over his new outfit when he hasn't pooped in over a week!! And unfortunately his mom didn't have a change of clothes... :( Luckiy it was at the end of church so we just wrapped him up in his favorite blanket to go home. Now I wish we'd of gotten a picture of him in just his cords. his daddy said he looked like a hillbilly.. but a very very cute hillbilly. I'll try and get a picture of it anyways cause its just so darn cute!!

After church was nice, Ben took a nice hour long nap, then got up to play with his Uncle Dave while his momma and daddy prepared dinner for a family in our ward. Ben went to bed easily at first cause he was so tired but woke only 45 minutes later to watch a movie with his momma, who put his to sleep when she noticed he was watching. Ah, gotta love the little bug, he just so cute!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Gaa, Gaa, Gaa
I swear sometime that Ben says real words. But really what new parent doesn't think their kid is the best at everything and SSSSOOOO far ahead of the game? I know I do!! Truth is that he is ahead of the game in some areas. We had him weighed about 2 weeks ago and he was 15 lbs. 4 oz.!!! how crazy is that?!?!?! He is in the 95 percentile for weight!! Big Ben, for sure!!
Tomorrow, Ben turns 4 months!! He is already rolling from his back to his tummy, i feat that few 5 months olds accomplish!! (or so I've heard). He has his favorite toy, a monkey rattle!! He loves to chew on it and he can even hold is u
p to his mouth all by himself!!
This next part I want to sugar coat for everyone. Here goes:
My baby loves to be held. Constantly. He loves his momma (me) so much that he cries when he's not with me. I get everything that matters done: holding my baby boy!! Nothing else keeps him happy and smiling like my hugs.
But seriously, I can't get anything done when he is like this because he screams so loud and long that my head feels like its gonna explode!! Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he loves me and want to be with me all the time, but I need some sanity time. Nap time, you say? Yes, yes that would be a good option.... IF MY BABY TOOK A GOOD NAP!!! no really, Ben takes a few hour long naps and thats on a good day. I barely have time to get rid of my headache enough to lay down for a short nap when who do i hear calling from upstairs? By beautiful blue eyed baby boy named Ben. And yes, his eyes are still blue!!
Tomorrow, Ben turns 4 months!! He is already rolling from his back to his tummy, i feat that few 5 months olds accomplish!! (or so I've heard). He has his favorite toy, a monkey rattle!! He loves to chew on it and he can even hold is u

This next part I want to sugar coat for everyone. Here goes:
My baby loves to be held. Constantly. He loves his momma (me) so much that he cries when he's not with me. I get everything that matters done: holding my baby boy!! Nothing else keeps him happy and smiling like my hugs.
But seriously, I can't get anything done when he is like this because he screams so loud and long that my head feels like its gonna explode!! Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he loves me and want to be with me all the time, but I need some sanity time. Nap time, you say? Yes, yes that would be a good option.... IF MY BABY TOOK A GOOD NAP!!! no really, Ben takes a few hour long naps and thats on a good day. I barely have time to get rid of my headache enough to lay down for a short nap when who do i hear calling from upstairs? By beautiful blue eyed baby boy named Ben. And yes, his eyes are still blue!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Picture, Pictures and More Pictures
Copy and paste these links to view the pictures.. or just visit my facebook!!
3 Months and Still Growing Strong....
Well, its been 3 months since Ben came into the world. He is the most happy and adorable baby on the planet!! He loves to laugh and smile and just be happy. And he farts like an old man... little ones and often. :) He doesn't much like to playing his stomach but he is learning to roll over just fine. He's done it 4 times now and i think he just has trouble holding up his head and/or remember how to do it the next time he's on his stomach. The kid loves watching TV, but I doesn't let him watch it if I can help it. He also loves his cradle swing that his grandma and grandpa call bought him. It has a mirror and he loves looking at his handsome self!!
He is such a good baby that doesn't fuss unless something is wrong, such as he needs a diaper change, he's hungry or he wants to play with his momma. His favorite thing to do right now is lick his blankets. a little weird, but he likes it. He is eating about every 4 hours now, which is a nice change from ever 2 1/2 hours (even at night). He sleeps longer at night, about every 5 -6 hours. He wakes his mom up, eats then goes right back to sleep. he usually get tired about 8:30-9 then get up for the day around 7 or 8, with 2 feeding during the night.
Sometimes in the morning, he will lay and watch the animals on his mobile. It plays braham's lullaby and spins and he just giggles and laughs as he watches them go around. His favorite is the monkey.
He is very vocal and loves to make noises and have them made at him. He loves coo-coo-ca-choo noises, helicopter noises, this little piggy, and a made up song by his momma about him being a stink pot (one who's farts stink alot). (and which lyrics will not be posted). he also loves to talk on the phone.. he gets so excited when he sees his mom on the phone and wants to tell stories to whoever is on the other end of the line.
Ben was born 8 lbs. 5 oz. Now at 3 months he is 14 lbs.!! He is mostly wearing 3-6 month clothes although he still fits some of his momma's favorite 0-3 month outfits!
His favorite things to do are play with momma, "tell stories", and suck on his Nuk-Nuk aka paci, aka binky
He is such a good baby that doesn't fuss unless something is wrong, such as he needs a diaper change, he's hungry or he wants to play with his momma. His favorite thing to do right now is lick his blankets. a little weird, but he likes it. He is eating about every 4 hours now, which is a nice change from ever 2 1/2 hours (even at night). He sleeps longer at night, about every 5 -6 hours. He wakes his mom up, eats then goes right back to sleep. he usually get tired about 8:30-9 then get up for the day around 7 or 8, with 2 feeding during the night.
Sometimes in the morning, he will lay and watch the animals on his mobile. It plays braham's lullaby and spins and he just giggles and laughs as he watches them go around. His favorite is the monkey.
He is very vocal and loves to make noises and have them made at him. He loves coo-coo-ca-choo noises, helicopter noises, this little piggy, and a made up song by his momma about him being a stink pot (one who's farts stink alot). (and which lyrics will not be posted). he also loves to talk on the phone.. he gets so excited when he sees his mom on the phone and wants to tell stories to whoever is on the other end of the line.
Ben was born 8 lbs. 5 oz. Now at 3 months he is 14 lbs.!! He is mostly wearing 3-6 month clothes although he still fits some of his momma's favorite 0-3 month outfits!
His favorite things to do are play with momma, "tell stories", and suck on his Nuk-Nuk aka paci, aka binky
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Rough First Week
We only stayed in the hospital just over 24 hours after Ben was born. I wanted to sleep in my own bed!! We had to stop by the store on the way home because we wanted to get some diaper rash cream and a few other little things. I didn't feel too bad for just having a baby.. however, the meds i was on probably helped a lot in that respect. We got home and introduced Ben to his new home. He pretty much slept when he wasn't eating so it wasn't a bad first afternoon.
The first night we kept him in our room in a bassinet. i didn't get much sleep because Ben is a noisy sleeper and i woke at every little whine and coo. (he now sleeps in his crib in his own room)
Saturday we noticed he was a little yellow so we took him outside to get some sun. When we left the hospital, we were told that his bilicount was a little high. Sunday morning i noticed that he was REALLY yellow and also that his eyes were yellowish. So we took him back to the hospital to get him checked out. We were gonna take him in for his 5 day check up but he was only 4 days old. We decided that even if we couldn't get his check up then we still wanted him checked for jaundice. We were admitted to the ER where they took his blood and check his biliruben count. It was a 22, where as 0-8 is the normal. Ben was then admitted to the hospital for aggressive phototherapy treatment to help his blood count come down. The put and IV in him and covered his little eyes with protective gauze that had to stay there the entire hospital stay so the ultraviolet light wouldn't hurt his eyes. he looked so helpless lying there. He had to lay in this light that looked like a tanning bed while this light paddle was placed on his stomach and covered so it wouldn't fall off. Thankfully, Ben was relatively calm and quiet; he slept most of the day. At night, however was a different story. he tried to sleep but was kind of wiggly. I gave him a pacifier but he couldn't hold it in his mouth for very long. Once he accidentally spit it out, he would cry! I wasn't allowed to hold him or take him out of the bassinet he was in; i couldn't even feed him, i had to pump so he could eat from a bottle and even then we had to supplement with formula because i wasn't producing enough.
Our friends came to visit us!! Seth and Katrina, Marcus and Haley, and Dave and Tavia came with their two kids, Brennan and Jr. It really helped boost my spirits!!
That night was the hardest because i couldn't hold him or comfort him except to hold his hand and put his pacifier back in. Basically, i was exhausted by 2 in the morning. toby took over comforting Ben while i tried to sleep in the recliner chair. When Ben wouldn't stay quiet, I went back over to help and almost collapsed trying to get up.. i was that tired and worn out. The nurse came in to check Ben's vitals and IV and offered to watch in the nursery. I didn't want to leave my baby, but Toby threatened to take me home if i didn't let the nurse watch him so i could get some sleep. (even though i still had to get up every few hours to pump for Ben.
The next day Ben was calmer and more relaxed. We didn't do much except eat and sleep. I watched some TV and mostly read. Toby went home to clean up the house because my mom was flying in to help out. She would be staying for a little over 2 weeks!!! Ben's bilicount was coming down nicely so the Dr. let us go around the time that mom was due to get into town. We were a little late picking her up because we were getting discharged form the hospital and the nurse was being a little slow.
In order to take Ben home again, we had to get what is called a biliblanket. It is the same paddle that was on Ben's stomach in the hospital. We had to keep it on his bare skin as much at possible, for the whole week!! It wasn't the funnest thing to deal with as the cord only reached about 3 feet, so it was hard to cart him around different places!!
Every morning we had to go to the hospital to get his blood drawn to make sure his count was returning to normal. He did not like having his foot pricked every morning and by Wednesday would start to whimper when we walked into the Lab room. It was really hard for me to listen to him cry all the time.. i thought that he would start to hate me for making go through all that pain.
Thursday brought great news when we learned that our best friends had their little baby that morning!! It was a BOY!! They named him Nathan James Johnson!! We had a good visit with them when we went to the hospital with Ben. Our sons are only a week apart, and Nathan was born on Ben's due date!!
The rest of the week was pretty much the same with feedings every 3 hours and sometimes more often when he hit a growth spurt and wanted to eat every hour. Everything was normal except for the fact that i got sick with bronchitis. Yeah, it was not fun recovering from giving birth, not getting any real sleep and dealing with a sickness that makes you tired and groggy and pretty much lousy 24/7. I could not have gotten through it without my momma. (I love you momma!!)
The first night we kept him in our room in a bassinet. i didn't get much sleep because Ben is a noisy sleeper and i woke at every little whine and coo. (he now sleeps in his crib in his own room)
Saturday we noticed he was a little yellow so we took him outside to get some sun. When we left the hospital, we were told that his bilicount was a little high. Sunday morning i noticed that he was REALLY yellow and also that his eyes were yellowish. So we took him back to the hospital to get him checked out. We were gonna take him in for his 5 day check up but he was only 4 days old. We decided that even if we couldn't get his check up then we still wanted him checked for jaundice. We were admitted to the ER where they took his blood and check his biliruben count. It was a 22, where as 0-8 is the normal. Ben was then admitted to the hospital for aggressive phototherapy treatment to help his blood count come down. The put and IV in him and covered his little eyes with protective gauze that had to stay there the entire hospital stay so the ultraviolet light wouldn't hurt his eyes. he looked so helpless lying there. He had to lay in this light that looked like a tanning bed while this light paddle was placed on his stomach and covered so it wouldn't fall off. Thankfully, Ben was relatively calm and quiet; he slept most of the day. At night, however was a different story. he tried to sleep but was kind of wiggly. I gave him a pacifier but he couldn't hold it in his mouth for very long. Once he accidentally spit it out, he would cry! I wasn't allowed to hold him or take him out of the bassinet he was in; i couldn't even feed him, i had to pump so he could eat from a bottle and even then we had to supplement with formula because i wasn't producing enough.
Our friends came to visit us!! Seth and Katrina, Marcus and Haley, and Dave and Tavia came with their two kids, Brennan and Jr. It really helped boost my spirits!!
That night was the hardest because i couldn't hold him or comfort him except to hold his hand and put his pacifier back in. Basically, i was exhausted by 2 in the morning. toby took over comforting Ben while i tried to sleep in the recliner chair. When Ben wouldn't stay quiet, I went back over to help and almost collapsed trying to get up.. i was that tired and worn out. The nurse came in to check Ben's vitals and IV and offered to watch in the nursery. I didn't want to leave my baby, but Toby threatened to take me home if i didn't let the nurse watch him so i could get some sleep. (even though i still had to get up every few hours to pump for Ben.
The next day Ben was calmer and more relaxed. We didn't do much except eat and sleep. I watched some TV and mostly read. Toby went home to clean up the house because my mom was flying in to help out. She would be staying for a little over 2 weeks!!! Ben's bilicount was coming down nicely so the Dr. let us go around the time that mom was due to get into town. We were a little late picking her up because we were getting discharged form the hospital and the nurse was being a little slow.
In order to take Ben home again, we had to get what is called a biliblanket. It is the same paddle that was on Ben's stomach in the hospital. We had to keep it on his bare skin as much at possible, for the whole week!! It wasn't the funnest thing to deal with as the cord only reached about 3 feet, so it was hard to cart him around different places!!
Every morning we had to go to the hospital to get his blood drawn to make sure his count was returning to normal. He did not like having his foot pricked every morning and by Wednesday would start to whimper when we walked into the Lab room. It was really hard for me to listen to him cry all the time.. i thought that he would start to hate me for making go through all that pain.
Thursday brought great news when we learned that our best friends had their little baby that morning!! It was a BOY!! They named him Nathan James Johnson!! We had a good visit with them when we went to the hospital with Ben. Our sons are only a week apart, and Nathan was born on Ben's due date!!
The rest of the week was pretty much the same with feedings every 3 hours and sometimes more often when he hit a growth spurt and wanted to eat every hour. Everything was normal except for the fact that i got sick with bronchitis. Yeah, it was not fun recovering from giving birth, not getting any real sleep and dealing with a sickness that makes you tired and groggy and pretty much lousy 24/7. I could not have gotten through it without my momma. (I love you momma!!)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Labor and Delivery
I went into labor Wednesday, July 9th at about 1030 in the morning, but the contractions weren't intense enough or frequent enough to warrant going to the hospital. Later, when Toby got home from work we headed into the hospital. This was about 9 at night. I was examined and admitted because my contractions were about 5 minutes apart. I had extremely bad back labor and every contraction was terribly hard to bear through. All day it was about every 8-10 minutes that i would have a really bad contraction. The doctor said not to come in until the contractions were 5 minutes apart. I wanted to try it naturally but labor was progressing so slowly that i knew i'd never make it through the night without some kind of relief. (also because i'd been in labor for over 6 hours and was only 3 cm dilated) I decided to get an epidural.
And boy, was i right. I was in labor for over 26 hours with 2 1/2 hours of pushing. We went into the hospital at night so I tried to sleep, but i wasn't allowed to eat anything and all i got for drink were ice chips that made me throw up. It wasn't too hard to rest but i was so hungry that I couldn't really sleep. Even the smallest swig of water made me throw up too. I was so hungry and thirsty when it came time to push that i thought i'd never make it through. I just didn't have the energy. I even had the nurse have jello waiting just as soon as the baby was out; i was that hungry. (seriously)
And boy, was i right. I was in labor for over 26 hours with 2 1/2 hours of pushing. We went into the hospital at night so I tried to sleep, but i wasn't allowed to eat anything and all i got for drink were ice chips that made me throw up. It wasn't too hard to rest but i was so hungry that I couldn't really sleep. Even the smallest swig of water made me throw up too. I was so hungry and thirsty when it came time to push that i thought i'd never make it through. I just didn't have the energy. I even had the nurse have jello waiting just as soon as the baby was out; i was that hungry. (seriously)
Benjamin Ammon Dossett was born at 2:53p on Thursday, July 10, 2008. He was one week early. He was 8 1/2 lbs and 1 oz. He was 21 in. long and came out with a full head of hair. He has gorgeous baby blue eyes that make me melt when i look into them. And he certainly has daddy wrapped around his finger.
Being Pregnant with Ben
We found out we were pregnant over Thanksgiving Break. I felt both excited and extremely scared. I immediately felt the physical effects of being pregnant. I was tired, cranky and felt.... well the only word I can think of is yucky. For the first part of my pregnancy, I felt sick almost all the time, no matter what I ate. Everything made me nauseous and nothing made me feel better. I wouldn’t exactly call it morning sickness, because I rarely threw up.. I just felt sick the entire time. It got to the point that I ate hardly anything. We went to the Dr. and he gave me some medication to take care of the nausea. It didn’t make it go completely away, but I was able to eat better after that.
The second half of the second trimester and into the third trimester brought terrible heartburn. Just like the sickness, everything I ate gave me really bad heartburn!! Even water made me miserable because it lubricated my throat and helped the acid reflux jump back up my throat. Milk helped a little my coating my throat but it also made my stomach sour. I felt like I couldn’t win!! Finally, at my next Dr. appointment, he told me that I could safely take Pepcid AC. I think I single handedly kept them in business! I had to take one with everything I ate, but at least I could make it through the day.
I didn’t really have any cravings, at least nothing significant. I did love to eat sweets a lot, but that’s nothing new. I couldn’t eat sour cream or strawberries without throwing up. But those were the only two things I couldn’t eat.
Feeling him move for the first time was incredible. I mean, i probably didn't realize it the first time but when i did, it was pretty cool. Eventually, when he was moving around all the time, it wasn't so much fun because he liked to stick his feet up into my ribs. That really hurt. He also got hiccups a lot which was really funny to feel in my abs.
At 20 weeks, we had our second ultrasound during which we found out the sex of our baby. I really wanted to know because i wanted to get things specifically for our baby. We both wanted a little boy SO bad... and we got our wish!! I just knew it was gonna be a boy!! (mother's instinct) i guess we'll find out if thats really what it is with the next kid.
Officially his due date was the 17 of July, but he came a week early!!
The second half of the second trimester and into the third trimester brought terrible heartburn. Just like the sickness, everything I ate gave me really bad heartburn!! Even water made me miserable because it lubricated my throat and helped the acid reflux jump back up my throat. Milk helped a little my coating my throat but it also made my stomach sour. I felt like I couldn’t win!! Finally, at my next Dr. appointment, he told me that I could safely take Pepcid AC. I think I single handedly kept them in business! I had to take one with everything I ate, but at least I could make it through the day.
I didn’t really have any cravings, at least nothing significant. I did love to eat sweets a lot, but that’s nothing new. I couldn’t eat sour cream or strawberries without throwing up. But those were the only two things I couldn’t eat.
Feeling him move for the first time was incredible. I mean, i probably didn't realize it the first time but when i did, it was pretty cool. Eventually, when he was moving around all the time, it wasn't so much fun because he liked to stick his feet up into my ribs. That really hurt. He also got hiccups a lot which was really funny to feel in my abs.
At 20 weeks, we had our second ultrasound during which we found out the sex of our baby. I really wanted to know because i wanted to get things specifically for our baby. We both wanted a little boy SO bad... and we got our wish!! I just knew it was gonna be a boy!! (mother's instinct) i guess we'll find out if thats really what it is with the next kid.
Officially his due date was the 17 of July, but he came a week early!!
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