Tomorrow, Ben turns 4 months!! He is already rolling from his back to his tummy, i feat that few 5 months olds accomplish!! (or so I've heard). He has his favorite toy, a monkey rattle!! He loves to chew on it and he can even hold is u

This next part I want to sugar coat for everyone. Here goes:
My baby loves to be held. Constantly. He loves his momma (me) so much that he cries when he's not with me. I get everything that matters done: holding my baby boy!! Nothing else keeps him happy and smiling like my hugs.
But seriously, I can't get anything done when he is like this because he screams so loud and long that my head feels like its gonna explode!! Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he loves me and want to be with me all the time, but I need some sanity time. Nap time, you say? Yes, yes that would be a good option.... IF MY BABY TOOK A GOOD NAP!!! no really, Ben takes a few hour long naps and thats on a good day. I barely have time to get rid of my headache enough to lay down for a short nap when who do i hear calling from upstairs? By beautiful blue eyed baby boy named Ben. And yes, his eyes are still blue!!
2 pieces of love:
Hey guys!! I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well. We want to come visit all of you guys sometime! We are excited to get back there and see all of you! Ben is such a cutie, I can't beleive how big he is! I love that pic of you holding him, he looks like a perfect mix of both of you! We will call you guys when we find out what the baby is! Miss you!
Girl you look so beautiful and actually look like you are getting sleep. When Gordon was that age I was still not getting much sleep at night! lol But you look great and he is getting so big and he is so handsome:)
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