Here are a few videos that just make me laugh, probably because Ben is laughing and he has the cutest giggle!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Yummy yummy, in Ben's tummy
This week and last week, Ben got a taste of his first solid food, although it really wasn't all that solid. He started eating rice cereal!! He love his Gerber Organic brown rice cereal!! He gets mad when its gone and he has to be topped off with milk!! lol At first, he wasn't too sure about it, but now he is so excited when he get cereal. Here is a video of him eating his favorite food!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ben has been a very fussy, grumpy baby. I do believe its a combination of things: teething, not getting enough sleep, gas, and being bored. I try my best to keep him happy, but his toys only seem to interest him for a little while, then he gets bored and wants to be held. Which i would love to do all day, but in reality, I just can't. Not only does my back ache after hours but I have other things to do, like his laundry, and keeping the floor clean so he can play! I talked with my mom today and we think that he's not getting a long enough nap to warrant his being happy. He's so playful and happy in the morning after a full night of sleep, but he only takes about a hour long nap and thats not enough for him. Today, he woke up after an hour and started screaming. After screaming for a whole hour, I finally got him back to sleep and he slept for another two hours. YIPPEE!! I also got a nap in, which was nice because my head really hurt from all the screaming. But when he woke up, he was playful and happy, so that jut adds to my mom's theory!
I took him window shopping today and found some toys that are interesting to him!! I'm so excited for Christmas!! I have already bought a gift for him!! I was a DI and I bought a bunch of books for really cheap. He won't get them until Christmas, so don't tell him, ok? So we're getting all set for Christmas!!
The latest thing that makes him giggle is laying him on his back and taking his feet and blowing on them, then putting them up to his face and chanting "feet on your face" while tapping his feet on his cheeks, then "toes on your nose" when you tickle his nose with is.. toes.. lol!! So he really enjoys that!! He can't quite keep his feet up to his face yet, but he likes to chew on his toes when I put his feet up to his mouth!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
He Remembers....
Yesterday I was 'nuggling Ben on the couch when I noticed that he was craning his head around to look at someth
ing in the corner of the Living Room. At first I thought he was trying to watch TV so I turned it off yet he still seemed to stare at the corner. So I took him over there, thinking he wanted to look at the light from the lamp. But as we got closer to the corner, I noticed that it wasn't the lamp he was looking at, at all. We have a small 5x7 frame of Jesus by the lamp and Ben was mesmerized by it. He quietly stared at the picture for almost 2 whole minutes (those who have kids know how rare that attention span is, especially for a 4 month old). I kept asking him if he knew who he was looking at and he would just look at me then return his attention to the picture. After the 2 minutes, he tried to reach out and grab the picture. It melted my heart that he would find the small picture of Jesus and just recognize it. It isn't really in a conspicuous spot that you would think a baby would look at, yet he saw and recognized
his big brother.
How special babies are!! What a witness to me, of the premortal life and how precious and wonderful gifts that we are given!! Isn't it so amazing how thin the veil still is for infants?!?!? I am so grateful for the unique soul that was given to us!! Ben must be a very valiant servant of the Lord to be able to recognize our Savior!

How special babies are!! What a witness to me, of the premortal life and how precious and wonderful gifts that we are given!! Isn't it so amazing how thin the veil still is for infants?!?!? I am so grateful for the unique soul that was given to us!! Ben must be a very valiant servant of the Lord to be able to recognize our Savior!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Happy Belated Halloween
Since I haven't been very good about posting, I thought I would update you on Ben's first Halloween!! A few days before Halloween, we took Ben trick-or-treating at Toby's work. He was dressed in his Lion costume (from G'ma and G'pa Call). Everyone love it so much!! He looked so adorable.
Doesn't he looks so cute with his Daddy?
Later that night, we took Ben to Toby's Geology Halloween party. We decided to dress him up as a little sea fossil.. i think it was called a crinoide, so
mething like that.
<---Here is a picture of that costume
On Halloween Day Ben was dressed up at a Pumpkin (from G'ma and G'pa Dossett). He wore this warm comfy outfit all day and loved it!! We went to visit his daddy up on campus and everyone was saying how adorable he was!! He even helped me answer the door for trick-or-treaters!! Ben absolutely loved Halloween and I loved all the candy that he got me for being so cute!!

For our Ward Halloween party, Ben was a Lion again because we loved his little Tail. Our best friends, the Johnson's came to have fun with us!! Nate was a little bear. Aren't they so cute together? (This picture is from Kate, so thank her for it!!)

Later that night, we took Ben to Toby's Geology Halloween party. We decided to dress him up as a little sea fossil.. i think it was called a crinoide, so

<---Here is a picture of that costume

On Halloween Day Ben was dressed up at a Pumpkin (from G'ma and G'pa Dossett). He wore this warm comfy outfit all day and loved it!! We went to visit his daddy up on campus and everyone was saying how adorable he was!! He even helped me answer the door for trick-or-treaters!! Ben absolutely loved Halloween and I loved all the candy that he got me for being so cute!!
For our Ward Halloween party, Ben was a Lion again because we loved his little Tail. Our best friends, the Johnson's came to have fun with us!! Nate was a little bear. Aren't they so cute together? (This picture is from Kate, so thank her for it!!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cutest Little "Twins"

This is Ben and his best friend Nate. They are only 1 week apart in age. They are so cute together!!
Today was Ben's 4 month check-up. He is 15 lbs. 10 oz. and 26 in. long. He is healthy and growing like crazy. Just one more lbs. and he doubles his birth weight.
Ben is getting very excited for Christmas vacation because then he gets to meet all of his extended family!! He get to meet Grandma and Grandpa Dossett, Uncle Bryan, Uncle Tommy, Uncle Jason, Uncle Willy, Aunt Cecily, Aunt Beth, and Aunt Hannah!! And of course his cousin, Summer!!Oh, and his other "Aunt" Hannah!! He's very sad that he can't meet his Aunt Rachel!! But hopefully he'll be able to see her soon!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Yesterday was a fun day. We were up late hanging out with friends and didn't get to bed until 2. Ben went to bed around 11 but was not happy that he was missing out on all the fun. L
uckily he slept until 8, with no feedings through the night!! I got up and fed him then put him back down, not really thinking that he's go back to sleep, but he did!! We didn't get up again until about 1020 and church was at 11!! I went in to check on Ben and he was just happily chewing on his fists. This Sunday he wore an adorable outfit from his Grandma Call. Everyone just loved it!! He loved it too, so much that he pooped all over it!! Trust that kid to poop all over his new outfit when he hasn't pooped in over a week!! And unfortunately his mom didn't have a change of clothes... :( Luckiy it was at the end of church so we just wrapped him up in his favorite blanket to go home. Now I wish we'd of gotten a picture of him in just his cords. his daddy said he looked like a hillbilly.. but a very very cute hillbilly. I'll try and get a picture of it anyways cause its just so darn cute!!

After church was nice, Ben took a nice hour long nap, then got up to play with his Uncle Dave while his momma and daddy prepared dinner for a family in our ward. Ben went to bed easily at first cause he was so tired but woke only 45 minutes later to watch a movie with his momma, who put his to sleep when she noticed he was watching. Ah, gotta love the little bug, he just so cute!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Gaa, Gaa, Gaa
I swear sometime that Ben says real words. But really what new parent doesn't think their kid is the best at everything and SSSSOOOO far ahead of the game? I know I do!! Truth is that he is ahead of the game in some areas. We had him weighed about 2 weeks ago and he was 15 lbs. 4 oz.!!! how crazy is that?!?!?! He is in the 95 percentile for weight!! Big Ben, for sure!!
Tomorrow, Ben turns 4 months!! He is already rolling from his back to his tummy, i feat that few 5 months olds accomplish!! (or so I've heard). He has his favorite toy, a monkey rattle!! He loves to chew on it and he can even hold is u
p to his mouth all by himself!!
This next part I want to sugar coat for everyone. Here goes:
My baby loves to be held. Constantly. He loves his momma (me) so much that he cries when he's not with me. I get everything that matters done: holding my baby boy!! Nothing else keeps him happy and smiling like my hugs.
But seriously, I can't get anything done when he is like this because he screams so loud and long that my head feels like its gonna explode!! Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he loves me and want to be with me all the time, but I need some sanity time. Nap time, you say? Yes, yes that would be a good option.... IF MY BABY TOOK A GOOD NAP!!! no really, Ben takes a few hour long naps and thats on a good day. I barely have time to get rid of my headache enough to lay down for a short nap when who do i hear calling from upstairs? By beautiful blue eyed baby boy named Ben. And yes, his eyes are still blue!!
Tomorrow, Ben turns 4 months!! He is already rolling from his back to his tummy, i feat that few 5 months olds accomplish!! (or so I've heard). He has his favorite toy, a monkey rattle!! He loves to chew on it and he can even hold is u

This next part I want to sugar coat for everyone. Here goes:
My baby loves to be held. Constantly. He loves his momma (me) so much that he cries when he's not with me. I get everything that matters done: holding my baby boy!! Nothing else keeps him happy and smiling like my hugs.
But seriously, I can't get anything done when he is like this because he screams so loud and long that my head feels like its gonna explode!! Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he loves me and want to be with me all the time, but I need some sanity time. Nap time, you say? Yes, yes that would be a good option.... IF MY BABY TOOK A GOOD NAP!!! no really, Ben takes a few hour long naps and thats on a good day. I barely have time to get rid of my headache enough to lay down for a short nap when who do i hear calling from upstairs? By beautiful blue eyed baby boy named Ben. And yes, his eyes are still blue!!
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