1. July 10, 2009 Ben turned 1!!! We went to New Mexico with Grandma and Grandpa Call and visit grandpa call's parents (Ben's Oma and Opa). We had tons of fun! Ben had a monkey birthday party, complete with a banana muffin cupcake cake. He loved it so much! For his birthday dinner, we had his favorite: pizza!! Thanks to everyon

Ben, eating his birthday dinner, a small baby sized pizza made courtesy of his Great-Aunt June

Ben loves to feed others, and here, Nana is reaping the benefits of his generosity

Ben was very spoiled by all the presents he got for his birthday!

This is a cake made of banana nut muffins

This cake was for everyone else in the family
We had a bunch of fun in New Mexico, visiting relatives that got to meet Ben for the first time!! He met his Oma and Opa (great grandparents), Great-Aunt June and Great-Uncle Gary, Great-Aunt Heather and Great-Uncle Karl, Cousins: Julee, Kaitlyn, Timmy, Michael

Oma and Opa with Ben

Great-Aunt Heather and Great-Uncle Karl

Great-Aunt June and Great-Uncle Karl with Cousin: Julee, Michael, Katilyn, and Timmy

Oma, Opa, Grandpa, Nana, Momma and Ben
1 pieces of love:
Happy Birthday Ben! he's a lucky boy to have a stack of banana muffins all to himself!
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