Breakfast: 2nd Foods fruit (moving to 3rd foods soon)
Early afternoon: 2nd foods veggie
Dinner: 2nd foods dinner
Hopefully this will help regulate him. Of course he get teething biscuits and puffs regularly, so he loves that too. And he get one bottle of apple juice a day. I mix 8 oz. or water with 2 oz. of Simply Apple juice. So he's getting mostly water even if he doesn't know it!! hehehe
oh, btw, i was reading an article about how you can't really over feed your little baby becaue they know when they are full and will mostly likely turn away when they are. Well, my kid is definately not like that! He will eat and eat and eat and eat for hours if I let him. We are still nursing, which I am grateful for!, but only nursesw about 10 minutes total. Then i could feed him a 4 oz. dinner with a 3.5 oz veggie and when they are done, he's still crying for more. I'll give him some juice and some puffs but about 5 minutes later he'll start to spit up. Don't you think its a little much to feed him? I know he's not hungry because if I distract him on purpose after a little while he's ok again. Then he won't eat for another 4 - 41/2 hours. Man, my little man is an eater!! hahaha, gotta love this baby! he's the best!
2 pieces of love:
Lol What a cute little piggie! Hahaha. Keep it up. You are the one who knows him best! :D Love Ash
Yeah, good luck with the schedule. I am a witness to how much that baby loves food! Haha. Oh and also a witness to the puking, since he saved it all for on me! I don't mind though.
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