I met him there, learned about the O2, then Laura, our discharge nurse, and I set up the girl's in their car seats for their car seat test. This test is designed to test how the girls will do when they are no longer in a crib and secured in a blanket. They have to keep their stats up for 1 1/2 hours to make sure we can make it home without them crashing. They passed that with flying colors. I however, failed because I couldn't figure out how to change the buckles on the car seat. I had to ask multiple nurses and Norco guys to help. (Oh, and they passed their hearing exams with ease.) Toby got off work early and met me at the hospital for our overnight ability test. The nurses had a hard time finding us a room close by because the hospital was pretty full. There were no rooms downstairs in the Women's Center and the courdinator wanted to put us up in the Pediatric Unit. The NICU nurses were pretty adamently against it, because they wouldn't be able to get to us very quickly if something happened. We finally got a room in Day Surgery, which was about 20 seconds down the hall. The nurses on Day Surgery apparently weren't told what was going on.. its was kind of funny. About 9 o'clock we finally wheeled the girl's crib down the hall and into our room.

Addison is at the top
Peyton is on the bottom
Peyton is on the bottom
Our obsessive night nurse, Dennis, didn't think that the girls were ready to go home. I could see it in his mannerisms and the way he talked to us. He was really surprised when he walked into work and found out the girls were going home the next day. All night long, while WE were supposed to be taking care of the girl, he would call and check on them all the time, and come it at every feeding, offering to take a feeding "so that we could sleep". It was actually very annoying, because he would come in and stay for like 20 minutes so it made it hard to nurse the girls when he was right there. We had to get up and feed them every 3 hours, so it made it hard to sleep when we knew we needed to get up in another 45 minutes. It was really frustrating because the girls were really sleepy and didn't want to nurse. Plus we had to feed them their bottles so it took forever and we didn't get much sleep. The next day was Going Home day, ill tall you about it later!!